Monique is President and Co-Founder of the Humanized Internet, a non-profit organization focused on addressing the need to control our identities as well as providing digital identity for those individuals most underserved. The belief in the social good of technology with embedded ethics has guided Monique’s extensive work with blockchain, especially its applicability to education and credentialing as well as other industries including healthcare, insurance, and Internet of things. Monique is also Venture Partner at Sparklabs Accelerator for Cybersecurity and Blockchain..
As of January 2019, Monique is also President of the VETRI Foundation in Switzerland.
Much of Monique’s work operates at the intersection between blockchain technology, security-privacy issues, questions of legal jurisdiction, and portfolio development. She has had the opportunity to engage with and explore these issues in her capacity as a member of the procivis.ch and VETRI’Global advisory boards based in Switzerland . Furthermore, she is also an active member of the IEEE Ethics in Action Executive Committee as well as Co-Chair of the IEEE Ethics in Action Extended Reality Committee..
Monique has been recognized in the industry for her tireless focus on social good.
Monique is currently a member of a cross organizational MIT Solve 2018 winning team in the health area targeted for closing the global caregiver gap.
https://solve.mit.edu/articles/meet-the-solver-teams-introducing-our- frontlines-of-health-innovators
Monique is also part of the winning team for Advocate Europe 2018, with Alexander von Humboldt Internet Institute and Society [HIIG] for the submission, “Digital Identity, Citizenship and the Democracy of Europe".
On September 27 2018, Monique was selected as one of the top Digital Shapers 2018 in Switzerland. Monique is also a TEDx speaker.
Monique was listed as one of the top Global Women in Tech by Forbes Magazine in December 2018.
Monique is in the process of co-writing a book entitled The Humanized Internet, to be published in 2019.
The main purpose of the Foundation is to manage a platform presently known as VETRI and the funding, establishment and execution of initiatives that are focused on the management and control of data and privacy. The Foundation abides by the key tenets of "Trust and Transparency". The vision is to enable individuals to self-determine over their data. This alignment translates to assessing possible investments and activities towards secure e-sovereignty and secure e-vault mechanisms for the management and storage of data.